Good Works Value Experience 6

Good Works Value Experience 6

Spend at least three hours giving service outside your family. Ask your ward or branch Relief Society president or a community leader for suggestions for service. For example, you might take care of children while parents attend the temple; collect, make, or...
Knowledge Value Experience 5

Knowledge Value Experience 5

Learn about an area of work or service that interests you. Talk to someone who works in that field and find out what that person’s job responsibilities are, what training or education the person obtained to do the job, and what contributions this person’s job makes to...
Good Works Project Ideas

Good Works Project Ideas

Adopt a family for ChristmasBabysit for couples attending the templeBabysit for couples attending ward choir practiceBabysit for free for low income familiesBabysit for monthly Relief Society meetingsBabysit siblingsBecome CPR and/or First Aid certifiedClean the...
Knowledge Project Ideas

Knowledge Project Ideas

Ask a parent, grandparent, or ward member to teach you basic cooking skills. You could invite your sisters, cousins, or young women in the ward. Make a recipe book, and cook one of the recipes.Be a youth leader at camp and make a real effort to prepare for itBe the...