Integrity Value Experience 7

Integrity Value Experience 7

List the issues, trends, and problems that weaken the family. Read the First Presidency message on page 1 of this book, “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”, and the section on family in For the Strength of Youth. Then research in the Church magazines the counsel...
Integrity Value Experience 6

Integrity Value Experience 6

Living the law of the fast is an opportunity to practice integrity. On a designated fast Sunday, abstain from food and drink for two consecutive meals and contribute to your family’s fast offering. Have a specific purpose in mind as you fast. You might fast for a sick...
Good Works Value Experience 5

Good Works Value Experience 5

Read Doctrine and Covenants 58:26–28. Think of ways a young woman, as well as a wife and mother, could apply this scripture in her family. Develop a pattern of service in your life by choosing a family member you can help. Serve that person for at least a month....