Good Works Value Experience 6

Good Works Value Experience 6

Spend at least three hours giving service outside your family. Ask your ward or branch Relief Society president or a community leader for suggestions for service. For example, you might take care of children while parents attend the temple; collect, make, or...
Knowledge Value Experience 2

Knowledge Value Experience 2

In your journal list talents you have and others you would like to develop. Read Matthew 25:14–30. Learn a new skill or talent that will help you care for your own future family or home (for example, playing the piano, singing, budgeting, time management, cooking,...
Good Works Project Ideas

Good Works Project Ideas

Adopt a family for ChristmasBabysit for couples attending the templeBabysit for couples attending ward choir practiceBabysit for free for low income familiesBabysit for monthly Relief Society meetingsBabysit siblingsBecome CPR and/or First Aid certifiedClean the...
Divine Nature Project Ideas

Divine Nature Project Ideas

Assist in planning a family reunion, and write in your journal about your testimony of the divine nature of the family, and how they bless you temporally and spiritually in fulfilling your divine destiny.Assist in planning a family vacation, and record in your journal...